Google Pagespeed Insights Checker 100% free


Pagespeed Insights Checker

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Ãœber Pagespeed Insights Checker

Check the speed performance of your website, find out bottlenecks and fix them ensuring search engines a web content fast and easy to use.


What is Pagespeed Insights Checker and How it Works?

Check the speed performance of your website, find out bottlenecks and fix them ensuring search engines and users a web content fast and easy to use.

Page speed insights test reports on the performance of a webpage on both desktop and mobile devices, providing informations, diagnostic and suggestions on how your page may be improved.

At the top of the report, we provides a doughnut chart rapresenting the score which summarizes the page's performance and the screenshot of the final rendering both on desktop and mobile devices followeb by detailed informations.

This score is determined by running Lighthouse  to collect and analyze lab data about the page.

A score of 90 or above is considered fast, 50 to 89 is considered average and below 50 is considered to be slow.